Watch Sonia Saxton’s Video tips on key performance including emotional resilience as a leader. You will find all are useful in developing your skills and performance

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How You Talk To Yourself Affects Brain Function

Have you heard yourself today? Language really changes the way your brain functions. Simple Tips on language that can change your mind set and your future. #COVID # Stress # Leadership # Coaching # Diploma #Influence

Saxton Partners on Emotional Intelligence

Listen to Sonia as she explains how to use your emotional resilience as a leader, Leadership, and understanding your motivations for 2021.

Saxton Partners 5 Tips Video

At Saxton Partners you will have a guaranteed peace of mind, that your money is well invested. After your initial session to discuss your talents, motivations and the things that are temporarily getting in the way of your confidence, you can then move onto a coaching programme.

Your Coaching Programme will carry a guarantee that within three sessions of two hours. All those being coached will receive a minimum of eighteen improvements in performance, or your money back!

Who else provides that?

Failure can be good news

How to handle failure. Celebrate first of all. Take the learning and come up with something better than anything else on the market.

A founder's personal development

What you need to know for setting up a new business. Three things for any start-up are Commercial Awareness, Technical Skill and Emotional Resilience.

Validate using the 'ed' words

Helping someone who has unrealistic expectations about their product or service by using the ‘ed’ words, taking them to ‘the end game’ and thinking through more effectively by talking through it respectfully to them.

The destination is where you need to be!

As a Mentor, how to help someone decide their Outcome at the end of the day. Having an outcome is absolutely key for an effective discussion and the destination is where they need to be.

Saxton Partners - The Call

‘Reading Physiological Signals and Body Language as a Leader’.

How effective are you at noticing others signals; verbal and non-verbal.  Or do you find yourself distracted by the general content, missing subtle signals?

This brief video is a fun quiz for you to test your skills.  We have put in some distracting music to see if you can still concentrate and notice the twenty three signals.  Check your answers on the attached sheet when you have watched and noted the signals you picked up.



Ever wondered how assertive you are and where you would like to develop further?

Do this quick quiz and then fill out the contact page with any questions you have

Emotional Intelligence

How well do you handle everyday events and what does your awareness mean for what you will achieve in the future.

Fill out this short questionnaire and then complete contact page with any questions you have

How You Communicate

Ever wondered how you communicate and whether you do this effectively

Find out what percentage of the population communicate like you by filling out the attached questionnaire and then send us your questions on the contact page

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Call 07932 637197 to schedule a convenient time.

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